How To Make The Best Custom Fridge Magnets?



Fridge magnets are one of the most extraordinary things to make. They are fun, easy and affordable to produce. You need a few basic supplies, a little time and some creativity, and you can have some excellent custom fridge magnets up in no time!


Choosing a design for your custom fridge magnets


The first step in creating custom fridge magnets is to choose a design. There are many ways to make your designs:


  • Upload a photo from your computer, phone or tablet
  • Create online with an instant online picture editor
  • Draw with markers, pens, pencils and crayons on paper and scan it into the app you’re using to print magnets (we recommend reviewing the image at 300 dpi)
  • Use a glue gun or other adhesive materials like tape


Choosing a design for your custom fridge magnets


Once you’ve chosen the material for your custom fridge magnets, it’s time to create a design! We have several options for you:


  • Design it yourself. You can use online tools to design your fridge magnet or download our template designs and customize them—there are over 1000 templates available online.
  • Upload a picture from your phone or computer as the basic layer of your customized refrigerator magnet (we can work with both JPEG files and PNG file formats). We’ll convert this image into a vector file to look crisp at any size and in any shape.
  • Use one of our pre-made designs as the base layer of your new custom refrigerator magnet (we have over 1000 templates available on our site). You need to go to this page, choose a template category like “animals,” select an animal template, and then click “Use This Template” at the bottom left corner of its preview window—it really couldn’t be; easier!


Choosing a shape for your custom fridge magnets


In addition to the standard circular magnet, there are a lot of other shapes you can use.


  • Rectangular magnets work well for logos and information that are long and thin.
  • Square-shaped attractions are suitable for logos or pictures that need to be displayed at an angle. 
  • Heart-shaped magnets also work well for logos, especially if your company has a family-friendly name or mission statement that you want customers to remember.
  • Similarly, star-shaped interests are significant if you want something more whimsical than just a circle with lines through it.
  • Other options include the oval shape—which is great for unusual custom designs like this one —and even irregularly shaped items such as different geometric shapes (such as triangles) or cartoon characters (like Mickey Mouse).


If none of these fit your needs exactly but still seem like they could work somehow, try checking our website GE Digital Imaging for more options! The customization tool will let you upload whatever image or logo files you want onto our template and choose where they go on the fridge magnet, so they look perfect before ordering them online!


Designing your custom refrigerator magnets


Quickly and easily create custom refrigerator magnets.

You can design your custom refrigerator magnets in minutes with a drag-and-drop editor. Use images from your computer, the internet, or your phone to get started!


  • Use an image from the web: Paste the URL of the image you’d like to use into the search box on our site, click “Search,” then select it from our list of results.
  • Use an image from a camera or scanner: Scan or take a photo with your digital camera and upload it into programs like Adobe Photoshop Elements (for PC) or iPhoto (for Mac). You can also use any other photo editing software that lets you edit photos by using layers of different images that stack on top of each other—if this sounds complicated but interesting to you, check out this tutorial for instructions on how to do it yourself.


You can also order fridge magnets on sites like


Custom magnets are great for your home, office, or kitchen. They’re a fun way to express yourself, and you can use them for all sorts of things. From making customized fridge magnets for your favourite sports team to creating custom magnets that show off your business logo, you can use them in many different ways!


If you’re thinking about ordering some custom magnets from the site, here’s how it works:

  • You’ll need to create an account on the site before ordering anything – this will allow them to keep track of where all their orders are coming from so they know when someone wants more than just one set of magnets 😉
  • You can also order the Custom Fridge Magnet Service from the site.




A good quality custom magnet is not at all difficult to make, especially if you know what steps to follow. The first step is choosing pictures and images that will be used in your project. After selecting them, it’s essential to choose an appropriate size magnet to fit properly on your refrigerator door or other surfaces where they’ll be displayed. Finally, when creating the final product with adhesive backings, it’s best to use a strong adhesive like super glue instead of just regular glue sticks, which can break off easily when overexposed heat over time.


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